Playlist of the Month: May | Lifestyle with Danny

Playlist of the Month: May


Hey Everybody!

I took a little time from my stressful schedule to share you my playlist of the month, literally my best friend this semester has been Spotify and on it I've been found so many good tracks taken of my many different musical tastes & stealing one song from my sister that she loves so much.

Wow, now we're saying goodbye to May, time flies. Well, I hope you had and have a wonderful weekend, while I'm still studying and trying to be away from YouNow.

Bye, bye.

Hola Todos

Saqué un pequeño tiempo de mi estresante agenda Universitaria para compartirles mi lista de reproducción del mes, literalmente mi mejor amigo este semestre ha sido Spotify  y en este he hallado increíbles canciones tomándolos de mis tantos diferentes gustos musicales y robándole una canción a mi hermana jaja.

¡Hey, ya acabamos mayo! Increíble, como pasa el tiempo. Espero que hayan tenido y sigan teniendo un excelente fin de semana, mientras yo estoy estudiando e intentado alejarme de YouNow.

Buena tarde.

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