My top 10 Favorite Fonts + 2015 Reader Survey | Lifestyle with Danny

My top 10 Favorite Fonts + 2015 Reader Survey


Yes I know, the photo is blurry, but I like it.
Hello everybody

I haven't written in a while (a week ago, what a "drama queen" haha) and I would like to start by saying happy tuesday for all of you, how are you? I would like to thank everyone who has visited my blog and has spent a good time on it. Thank you.
No he escrito desde hace tiempo (hace una semana, que "drama queen" soy jaja) y quisiera comenzar diciendo feliz inicio de semana para todos(as), quisiera agradecer a cada persona que ha visitado mi blog y ha pasado un buen rato en el, gracias.

It's been a year since I'm on blogger and I have always wondered what my readers want me to write, that is why I made this survey to you, the readers, and if you could take a little time to complete the survey, I would really appreciate it. 
Ya ha pasado un año que estoy en blogger y siempre me he preguntado que es lo que mis lectores quisieran que yo escribiera, es por eso que diseñe esta encuesta para ustedes, los lectores, y si pudieran tomar un pequeño tiempo para rellenar la  encuesta, de verdad lo apreciaría.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

This survey will run for 2 weeks

Changing the subject, today I bring you my favorite fonts, that was a very long searching process throughout the year, until I found the ones that I like, so I hope you like it as much as I do.
Cambiando de tema, hoy les traigo mis fuentes favoritas, que fue muy largo el proceso de búsqueda en todo el año, hasta que al fin encontré los que me gustaban, así que, espero que a ustedes les guste como a mi.

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4 comentarios

  1. I love finding new fonts! Thanks for sharing! And I took your survey! :)

  2. Those are awesome! I've become obsessed with fonts lately. Thanks for sharing!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the fonts that so much I am going to go download them.
